Wednesday, November 29, 2017

A Guided Imagery Idea

     My last entry was about some basic plans for the plaza and gazebo, but I also reflected on some past miniature techniques, textures,  and structures.  In the tumbleweeds photograph, something caught my eye... the bucket and water spigot on the back of the cycle shop building.  It instantly took me back to a little imagery experience which I'd like to share.

     Some guided imagery "journeys' can be very structured, some very lengthy, some very much related to specific challenges...
     But some can be quick, focused, and aimed at a brief, refreshing and calming moment.
     May I show you one that I used not long ago?

     Here is the back door and  bucket from the bike shop.  I'll share a few notes about how I fabricated the items later...

     But first, I ask you to join me.  I was in a waiting room (in real life)... I guessed  I only had a few moments, but I needed to relax and be refreshed.  The room was dreary, filled with tired-looking people, and just smelled stale.

     I closed my eyes and stepped out of the creaky back door of the bike shop, turning to my left and smiling as I see the familiar bucket.  It's a warm day, not TOO warm, but still, I'm yearning for a refresher.  I squat in front of the bucket, reach for the spigot, and fill the bucket full. I plunge my hands into the chilly, fresh water and savor the cool splash.  The sky is reflected in a blue jumble on the water's surface as I swirl it, enjoying that special smell that pure rural well water has, especially out West, in my experience.  I swipe the water up to my elbows and then flick a few drops onto my neck.  Invigorated, I stand and allow the water to dry, leaving a few happy chill bumps on my forearms.  I feel ready for anything.  I rise to my full height, take a deep breath and count some blessings.       Before long, I was called to my appointment.

     Here's how I made the bucket and spigot.  The spigot is a few circles and a toothpick, glued together nd painted with acrylics.  The wheel on top took a little more work, but it's still just drawing.  See the drop of water?  Clear Elmer's glue... same thing for the water in the bucket.  The bucket is a bottle cap turned upside down.  I painted the top black and then doused it to overflowing with the clear glue!

     I hope you enjoyed!

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